A week ago, many brave testers entered the first R-Planet: Conquest world. A lot of you have barely slept since the launch, keeping your base developing, increasing the mining of resources, and defending your base from enemy attacks. Day after day, the battles get tougher. Most players have tried to join some type of collaboration, to be able to count on support and reinforcements in case of danger. All the team members are playing as well, experiencing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat right along with you. Today we are going to look over the first batch of bug fixes and improvements reported by you that will be presented in the next R-Planet update, called version 1.5.
- Leaderboard update
In the following version you’ll be able to check your place on the public leaderboard right on the first page; it’ll be displayed right under the Top3 of the best players.
- Shortcut from Resource Tab to the Mining Spot
We added a shortcut from the resource production report (click on the resource at the top of the screen) to the building impacting mining or to the mining spots. Tap on the building name and go to it right away.
- IPADs adoption
Though the R-Planet: Conquest version for IPADs is yet to be improved, you can already download the R-Planet: Conquest on your IPAD to enjoy the incredible space landscapes of R-Planet in all their extraordinary detail!
- Market UI
We’ve received many reports from players being confused by the usage of Supply/Demand concepts in the Market. Those words are going to be replaced by more intuitive Send/Receive.
- BugFixes
Besides the named improvements, we’ve fixed a few minor bugs:
- with units quantity input being periodically resented in the Central Command;
- with undisplayed information in the Game Tab.
We are grateful for all your feedback which helps us to make R-Planet better with each update! Keep it up!
Onward to victory!