R-Planet Announces the Roadmap

3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Space flight is impossible without detailed plans. Today we will share the plan for mission with everyone who is aboard the spacecraft of the R-Planet project, and with anyone who would like to join us in the future. We have a long and exciting trip before us full of adventures and discoveries.

The R-Planet NFT DeFi system will be a three-phase project, with each phase consisting of one or more games. All games will involve DEFI, NFT, and FT assets, created within the R-Planet ecosystem.

Phase 1: Evacuation

So, let the story begin! The way is long. Captain Pig constructed a Generator, which creates new materials and things using aether. Combining those materials, you can get anything. Yet no one knows the recipes. The crew must do a lot of research and mixing to prepare for the colonization of Mars.

Stake NFTs, mine aether, buy basic materials, combine them to get something new, create NFTs and FTs of new materials, and mix again and again!

  • NFT DEFI Aether Mining
  • New Participating Projects
  • Evacuation Game Launch
  • Mining Tools Sale
  • Super Secret
  • FT Swap

Phase 2: Colonization

The spacecraft with our brave adventurers successfully landed on the R-Planet. The soil of the unknown land is rich with completely different elements with surprising characteristics. The chipped animals are eager to mine them…

Buy a plot of R-Planet land, build mines to extract R-planet primary elements, combine them in the generator, get new FTs and NFTs of materials with the higher-level characteristics.

  • R-Planet Land Sale
  • Buildings Construction
  • Mars Primary Elements Mining
  • Colonization Game Launch

Phase 3: Conquest

It turns out that the chipped animals are not alone on the R-Planet. Aliens from an unknown planet are mining on the other side of the R-Planet! They are hostile, jealously guard their territory, and do NOT want to share. War seems inevitable!

The chipped animals start constructing combat vehicles and robots to fight the foe. Will they make it?

Aside from alchemy this game has the construction of robots operated by characters, and battles with enemies.

  • Characters Sale
  • Robot Creating
  • Conquest Game Launch

In both space travel and war, however, nothing is certain. The R-Planet team reserves the right to refine and develop this Roadmap along the way.

The Evacuation will be launched on February 16 at 16 UTC

The Sale of the Basic Elements (which will create the initial Prize Fund) is scheduled for February, 12 16:00 UTC

You still have a few more days to stake NFTs from the listed projects to get some aether to start playing. The start may be the easiest time to invent new elements and get an Inventor Prize. Learn more and stake here: R-PLANET, a Revolutionary NFT-Staking System — R-PLANET — Medium







Written by R-PLANET

R-Planet is the first full-fledged strategy game on the market in which you can conveniently use NFTs to have different benefits and gain your aims

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